Are you ready to jumpstart your weightloss?

Summer is coming in hot and your 2022 resolution to lose weight has been thrown out the window a few times over--we get it. We've been there.

Maybe you don't need to focus on the whole entire year. Maybe your body needs a reset with a shorter and less 'intimidating' time frame. That's where we can help.

Our Slimbody Breakthrough Challenge is a 21-day program designed to help you to lose weight and develop a healthier relationship with food. This isn't just another weight loss program, it's the first 21 days of the rest of your life.

Welcome to the Summit Family

Here's why Summit members love our Slimbody 21-Day Challenge Program


Drop up to 8% of your body weight (up to 15 lbs) and up to 4% of your body fat in 21 days

Lowered inflammation

Balanced blood sugar

Increased energy

Deeper sleep

Decreased bloating & IBS issues

Flatter stomach

Increased libido


Gain a renewed sense of confidence and self-awareness

Redefine “health” in your own life

Gain clarity on rules vs principles and how to apply them intentionally throughout life

Take back emotional authority over the scale

Feel more beautiful and sexier than ever


Gain a truer sense of self

Break free from industry and societal standards of health and beauty

Develop a more authentic desire to be fit and healthy

Clarify your sense of meaning and purpose

Connect the way you treat your body with your most deeply held values

Realistic Expectations = Real Results

Weight loss that fits with your current lifestyle

One of the lessons we teach in our program is the importance of both planning appropriately and allowing that plan to change when it best serves you. So if you want to go out to dinner with your spouse or if you want to have a girls weekend--that can be the plan. You are allowed to indulge without “falling off the wagon” because you planned for it and stuck to the plan that was right for your life at the time. Find yourself stuck late at the kids’ school program with nothing to eat but pizza or on a road trip with only gas station food at your fingertips?

We help you learn to make the best choice you can at the time and get right back on track with the next meal without guilt, blame or shame.

Knowing that the plan can change, and that you're not failing when it does--that is a life-changing realization for our clients.

People Focused

Weight loss focused on the whole person, not just a diet

This program is not just another diet.

We focus on you and everything about you. How are you feeling - and how do those feelings affect the food you want to put into your body? How did you sleep last night and how does that affect your relationship with food the next day? Our clients find that this program is a total overhaul of their relationship with food and eating--and helps them find better ways to take care of themselves.

1-on-1 Coaching

Accountability Coaches to guide you on your journey

One of the biggest differences between this program and other programs is the support from our daily accountability coaches. Most weight loss programs fail because there is no one in your corner. At Summit, you don't have to do it alone. You have access to your accountability coach to guide you, answer questions, help you plan, and help you stay on track when something comes up last minute. Our clients often want to go out for an anniversary dinner with their spouses or attend a holiday party or celebrate their birthdays or even host a big social event for work. Their coaches are just a phone call away to help them stay on plan, enjoy the social events that are important to them, and see results.

Client Testimonials

Overall, I lost 12.2 pounds over 5 days!

Really what made the difference for me was having that daily accountability with my coach, having access to her so she could answer questions especially when I went to a restaurant and didn't know what to eat. I was able to have a nice anniversary dinner with my husband and still lose weight. If you are considering this program, I say go for it. You will be amazed by the results and how you feel."

Christine Rakowski

I find that this program is not just another diet.

 This is more about how am I feeling and how my feelings affect the food that I want to put into my body. How did I sleep last night and how does that make me feel and affect my relationship with food.

 I feel like this has been a total overhaul of my relationship with food and eating--and finding ways to take care of myself.

Ashley Thom


What's included? $560* covers everything you need for success minus the food itself!

*payment plans available


Welcome Note

What to Expect

Food List

Meal Plan

Food Journal

Weight Loss Tracker

Measurements Tracker

Meal Prep Tracker



Climbers Calm: A Healthy Hormone Support

L-Carnitine: A Fat to Energy Converter

Metabolic Burn: A Thermogenic Formula


Includes an Intro Zoom Call With Your Coach

Daily Texting

Calls When Needed

Weekly community Zoom meetings (optional)


How do you sign up?

You will sign up by clicking HERE.

Remember, the deadline to sign up is , so you have ample time to prepare.

How long is the program?

21 Days starting on .

What can I expect once I sign up?

Once we receive your registration, we will begin to on-board you into the program with a series of emails and your supplements will be shipped out - all within 48 hours.

What does the preparation process look like between sign up and our start date?

The ideal preparation process involves a Zoom video call with your coach, grocery shopping, meal planning and prepping. This process does not have to be time consuming as the program is simple. However, we do highly encourage you to carve out the time to read through your program documents thoroughly before meeting with your coach prior to beginning the program so that you have a sound understanding of the program and what's expected for you to be successful. The customers who get the best results from our programs are those who find a way to integrate the program into their day-to-day lives from the beginning. Your coach is there to help!

Where can I find more information?

This page has all of the details of our Slimbody Breakthrough Challenge. See below!

If you'd like to speak with one of our coaches, text April to 337-409-9046.

Program FAQs

Let go of what is holding you back!

What does the plan look like? What should I expect?

Our goal is to provide you an experience that allows you to lose weight while still being able to live the way you'd like. This means eating dinner WITH your family and any gathering that you’re invited to. Therefore, this program gives you a list of approved foods that can be found at your grocery store and at almost any restaurant. Your coach will work with you to personalize the program to meet your personal needs. For more detailed information regarding what the program includes please review here.

Do I have to cut out alcohol? Coffee? Sugar?

To reap the most benefits of your program, you’ll withhold from alcohol and sugar for the 21 days. We know this can be tough so talk with your coach about certain options for those special occasions. Note: Coffee is permitted. Coffee creamer is an optional add back on Day 7 of the program!

Do I have to eat separately from my family?

As family members ourselves, we highly suggest eating WITH your family. Our food list is good ol’ real food that YOU prepare. Think lean protein, veggies and fruit… then just add a starch for the kiddos (you'll have the option to add a starch back towards the end of your 21 days!). We encourage cooking with and for your whole family. No need to separate!

We hear of accidental success stories from this approach all the time! Spouses lose weight and kids discover new foods they love but never tried before because we assumed they wouldn’t like it. Everybody wins!

Program FAQs

What are you waiting for?

What happens after the 21 day challenge is finished?

You've got options! Around day 15 of your program, you and your coach will begin to discuss what's next for you. By that point, your body will have reset, your hormones and metabolism will be primed, and you will have a clearer sense of your progress and your needs. Many clients decide to continue their journeys with us toward greater weight loss, sustainability, health, and fitness. If you choose to continue your Summit journey, we offer follow-up coaching packages and individualized plans to move you further toward your goals and help you build the kind of life you want for yourself.

Can I repeat the process on my own?

Absolutely! The bonus to all of our programs is that once you become a Summit client, you have the system! You can repeat the program as many times on your own as you’d like. Once your initial program is complete, then you’ll have the option to purchase additional supplements and coaching separately.

Can I really lose 15 lbs in 21 days? 😊

You can! But let’s explain… The average weight loss for most people is .5 lb to 1 lb per day. Again, that is the average over the course of 21 days. Some days you’ll lose much more while other days you may stall or gain (yes, gain!). Truth is, it’s impossible for the human body to lose weight consistently over that amount of time no matter how strict you’ve been. Water retention and a host of other factors make weight loss a non-linear process with lots of ups and down. So, we look at the average over the span of the 21 days and your coach will you stay on track without getting caught up in the daily fluctuations.

Here’s a realistic gauge of what you can expect to lose in your 21 days: 6-8% of your body weight. In terms of pounds, multiply your current scale weight by .06 to get the low end and .08 to get the high end. For example, a 200 lbs. person can reasonably expect to lose 12-16 lbs., while a 150 lbs. person can reasonably expect to lose 9 -12 lbs., and so on. Weight loss and body transformation vary a lot from person to person so you'll also want to measure your success in terms changes in your body fat percentage and your measurements.

Hi friends! I'm Georgia.

As the owner and creator of Summit, I am passionate about people, driven to create change, and fueled by a mission to wake America up with a challenging conversation around food, stress and self-love.

I am a proud military spouse, business owner, and mother to my five kids, two dogs, and two cats. I am a Certified Chaos Coordinator (see the previous sentence!) and have a Bachelor of Art in Dance from Columbia College in Chicago. I'm a Certified Life Coach through IPEC Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching.

I've been deeply involved in the health and fitness community for many years:

Certified Core Energy Leadership Master Practitioner

Certified Core Energy Leadership Master Practitioner

Certified Core Energy Leadership Master Practitioner

I created Summit as a result of my own struggles and, in turn, created a platform for change to help others. Our 21-day program can help you get real results that last, leading to a healthier and happier you.

Ready to take the leap for a healthier you?

Don't hesitate! Click the button below, join our community and become the best version of yourself!

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